1. If you need an infobox, go here: http://oregonianspecial.com/factbox/
2. Enter the information (no links at this point). Press the “Get Code” button. You will see a box that shows what the infobox will look like in type and at the bottom of the page a block of code.
3. Copy the code and go to the post in MovableType. Put your cursor where you want the infobox or video or other item (before the first letter of the first word of a paragraph is best).
4. Click on the farthest-right box on the toolbar’s second row (looks like a suitcase with <> in front).
5. When the box appears, paste in the HTML coding.
4. Hit the Insert button.
5. Save the file. You can now add to the infobox, edit the type in it or make it a link just as you would any piece of type in the blog tool.