1. Sign in at polldaddy.com. (Contact online team if you need the username and password).
2. Click on create a new poll.
3. Enter poll question and answers. Delete extras or add as needed.
4. “Advanced Poll Settings”
Poll Closing: Keep open, unless you want it to end at a specific time.
Sharing: Allow sharing
Restrictions: Leave all unchecked
Repeat voters: Block by cookie
Results: Show results to voter
Comments: No comments
5. Click “Create Poll”
6. In Poll Style choose Custom and click on “Narrow inset (aligned right)” or “Narrow inset (aligned left)” — DO NOT USE OTHER OPTIONS WITHOUT CHECKING WITH THE DIGOPS TEAM.
7. Click “Save Style Settings” button and copy the Javascript embed code.
8. Load the poll into the post (the narrow inset will wrap text around itself, so put it away from the bottom). Click on the HTML button. When the coding appears, paste the embed code at the beginning of a paragraph.
9. PollDaddy coding won’t show in the WYSIWYG format. You’ll need to go to Preview to see it.
There is no need to return to PollDaddy to turn off a poll unless you want it to no longer accept votes. You can edit polls in PollDaddy, though it takes a few minutes for the editing to catch up to the post.