Use this intuitive tool from the folks at digital news startup Quartz ( to build simple, polished line and bar charts that illustrate trends.
Step 1: Google “Chartbuilder.” Or click this:
Step 2: Paste your data from Excel into “Input your data.”
Step 3: Paste the output into your post
Step 4: Create image of chart as PNG file
Step 5: Insert PNG image in post
Dos and Don’ts
Do: Include a plain-vanilla, highly literal title telling readers:
- What are these numbers I’m looking at?
- Dimensions being measured (Shoe pairs sold by Adidas)
- Units of measure, if not shown on right axis (in millions)
- Timeframe, for a time series (1981-2012)
Do: Include credit line (you) and source (“U.S. Treasury,” e.g.)
Do: Use short phrases for legend headings (edit in Excel first)
Do: Choose good “Right axis options” (#4)
- Always include prefix/suffix to show $ or %
- Try to keep minimum value = 0
- Set max value to open up space below legend
- Choose “Y axis ticks” based on what’s intuitive for reader
- Small # of ticks, but enough to see where data cluster
- Whole numbers look nicer
Do: Choose good “Bottom axis options” (#5)
- Short words
- Fewest ticks
- Ignore what box says: Type what you need
Do: Use highest resolution possible for display
- Multimedia main is ideal (easier to read)
- If chart is in post body:
- Choose Right, Large, “View Full Size”
- Delete Movable Type credit line
- If chart is in post body:
Don’t: Navigate away from page, or your work WILL BE LOST!