Please note: Snappo is NOT available in the app store. You need to use this link, accessing from you iPhone, Android, or iPad, but NOT from you computer:
Please load it and use it so your images make it to Merlin and are available for publication in Print.
iPhone users:
Step 1 installs the profile. Step 2 installs Snappo. You may need to navigate back via the ink to get to step 2 after installing the profile.
Android users:
install Snappo.
Once Snappo is installed you need to fill in the appropriate settings.
Hub: State (OREGON)
Username: your merlin login
Password: your merlin password
Photo Credit Name: your name, first and last.
The app is very easy to use.
Simply shoot a photo in Snappo (or choose a photo from one of your albums), write a caption, add a keywords or two, then send the image. It’s really simple. The image will appear in Merlin within a couple of minutes. If you’re shooting several images with the same caption and tags, Snappo allows one the option of using the last used tags and caption.
Please note that the first tag you write also become part of the image name in Merlin and MT, so write the most unique tag first.
Below is a suggestion from John Killen that makes captioning easier:
Easy Snappo trick to help you write captions with your photos (if you have an iPhone 4S or higher): Once you take or select your photo and the caption window pops up, you can “write” the caption by using Siri to dictate the caption. You activate her by touching the little microphone icon to the left of the space bar. You may have to speak slowly and enunciate carefully, but it works. And if you do make an error, you can correct on screen with the key board before saving. If you’ve not used Siri before, another thing to know is that you have to say “period” to get a period at the end of the sentence. The next word automatically starts with a capital letter, however. You can experiment with this without saving and you save something to Merlin that shouldn’t remain there, Mike Z can kill it out for you.
Question? Check with Mike Zacchino: 503.221.8280